Monday, September 10, 2012

CDW Wellington

Last week I had the pleasure to be a part of a week long Concept Design Workshop here in Wellington, with the talented Greg Broadmore and Ben Mauro (with special guest superstar and rad guy Robh Ruppel doing a special presentation on the Saturday). It was a new experience for me and I had a fantastic time. The too-talented crowd were very friendly and made me feel at home scribbling in front of them on a giant projection screen. So comfortable that I happily blabbered on about all sorts of nerdy shit that will probably be edited out of the instructional dvds that are to be released sometime in the future.

The above piece is a design I did on one of the days (we each had 3 hours a day, for five days), and it turned out pretty good. I wanted to demo my process for creating images based on photos, and it seemed to go down well, I had lots of positive feedback from the people in the crowd.

It's a 6 wheeled post-apocalyptic type survivalist vehicle. I like to imagine a post apocalyptic scenario where the scant remnants of humanity that survive some earth wide future cataclysm are the product of prior widespread genetic engineering, so are super smart and capable. Humanity isn't ready to come together into large communities yet, and instead highly independent solitary types roam the depleted landscape like tigers stalking prey in their territory. Their vehicles, while being cobbled together from scavenged materials, aren't the usual matte black rusty cars with spikes, but instead well engineered and capable things, with crane arms, articulated suspension, armoured v-hulls, and non-pneumatic tires. Makes for an interesting vehicle design anyways!

I'll post more work from the workshop over the next little while...


  1. Tweel powah! Always a treat to see these.

  2. Heard you were making limited edition posters of your friday demo, Keen as! ;)

  3. Instructional DVDs? Sounds too great.

  4. BA photo choppa bol!
    Love the colour combo of this truck and turbo love

  5. Super rad bro. These rusty black spike cars you speak of sound pretty sweet too!

  6. Estoy dibujando una limusina, viendo tus vehiculos me doy cuenta de lo mucho que tengo que aprender.
    Un placer ver tu trabajo.
