went a different direction with this guy... (or gal?)
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
synthetic self-evolved nano-engineered warrior mecha posing for an oil painting to go over his mantle piece...
Monday, August 31, 2009
quick render of a quick sketch...
Sunday, June 14, 2009
most of the mecha/creatures i have on this blog are the product of putting pencil to paper with no idea of what i'm about to draw. i used to call it 'stream of consciousness mecha', but now i think it's probably just laziness. here's a perfect example. what is it? i don't really know... at least it only took 20 minutes
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
evil karate-master robot? or robot with smashed plate for a face? hmmmmm...
here's some old ghost in the shell 'fanart'... the section 6 think tank was always my favourite. see if you can guess why.
i do actually draw stuff that isn't robots you know. honestly. like cars, i draw pictures of cars too. see, way different.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
this sketch is something i'm pretty excited about. it's the first real solid vision of a character i've been thinking about for a while. he's an analogue of an old kungfu master, with gnarly joints and swollen chi-belly...
my website is so badly out of date it's a liability, so now i have this here blog to show anything new i've done lately. and whattaya know it's the same old shit! robots with swords!